“Fray Luis de León” Award to Academic Articles

 Humanitas Hodie journal is glad to announce the first version of the “Fray Luis de León” Award for the best academic articles accepted for publication. The purpose of this initiative is to promote academic and scientific writing among young researchers around the world, without excluding researchers with an extended academic record.

The three best articles accepted for publication in our upcoming issue will be awarded, according to the opinion of the anonymous peer-reviewers in charge of evaluating submissions to the journal. The first-place winner will be granted USD 270, while the second and third place will receive USD 200 and 130, respectively.

Eligible contributions should not address a specific subject, besides the topics covered by Humanitas Hodie. To be eligible, authors only need to submit their articles for publication, following the editorial guidelines established by the journal, which are available at https://mailchi.mp/19e8c284e67b/cfp-permanente and https://revistas.uniagustiniana.edu.co/index.php/humanitashodie/politica

Only those articles approved for publication after the peer-reviewing process will be considered.

The deadline for submissions intending to participate in this version of the “Fray Luis de León” Award is Friday, April 23, 2021.

More info at humanitashodie@uniagustiniana.edu.co

Articles submission at: https://revistas.uniagustiniana.edu.co/index.php/humanitashodie/about/submissions or humanitashodie@uniagustiniana.edu.co

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